zaterdag 28 maart 2015

dinsdag 16 december 2014

vrijdag 31 oktober 2014

Heb je mogelijk een relatie met een narcist?

Het kan zijn dat je erachter bent gekomen dat je lijdt aan een relatieverslaving  maar dat je nog niet wist  dat je partner een persoonlijkheidsstoornis heeft. Hieronder een artikel waar een aantal kenmerken van de Narcist worden beschreven.

vrijdag 18 maart 2011

Ervaring ademsessie

Na de uitgebreide uitleg over het hoe en wat over transformational breathing, waar ik eerder bij was geweest was ik heel erg benieuwd om een ademsessie mee te maken en vrijdag 11 februari mocht ik een ademsessie mee doen.

Ik vond het heel spannend en was benieuwd naar wat me te wachten stond. We waren met z`n driëen en omdat de cliënte die er ook bij was al bekend was met transformational breathing heeft de therapeut alleen nog een korte uitleg gegeven. Ik wilde ademen om alle negatieve ballast los te laten. Maar omdat de therapeut steeds verder doorvroeg werd het uiteindelijk : Ik ben licht. Vervolgens mochten we gaan liggen en liet de therapeut ons op een bepaalde manier inademen. De therapeut keek ook naar de houding en ik mocht met mijn knieën gebogen gaan liggen. Lang en diep ademen en kort weer uit. De therapeut voelde steeds hoe je ademde en tot waar je adem kwam. Mijn adem kwam niet helemaal tot in mijn buik en de therapeut vertelde mij dat ik niet goed geaard ben, maar wel het spirituele kan ontvangen en dat herken ik wel.

Het duurde even voordat ik gewend was aan de manier van ademen, maar uiteindelijk had ik het ritme te pakken. Na een poosje kreeg ik tintelingen in mijn hele lijf en had ik het gevoel dat ik niet meer kon ademen. Dat voelde niet fijn maar de therapeut kwam bij me en vertelde me dat ik moest gaan tonen en bewegen. Tonen is geluid maken en in het begin was dit heel onwennig, maar het was heel fijn en de tintelingen verdwenen daardoor. Deze perioden van ademen en tonen wisselen elkaar af en op een gegeven moment gaat het ademen en de overgang van ademen naar tonen haast vanzelf en komt er steeds meer geluid. Ik was er zelf verbaasd over.

Op een gegeven ogenblik zei de therapeut dat we moesten gaan ontspannen en de tijd moesten nemen om weer terug te keren in de werkelijkheid. Ik voelde me heel vredig en licht en mijn hele lijf was warm. Toen ik weer rechtop was gaan zitten kregen we een kopje thee van de therapeut en die vroeg hoe ik de sessie ervaren had. Ik had er geen woorden voor. De therapeut legde uit dat ik 40 % van mijn ademhaling gebruik en ik vond dat weinig, maar de therapeut zei dat dit voor de eerste keer juist heel goed was en dat het heel lang duurt voordat je echt 100 % van je ademhaling kan gebruiken. Dat lukt alleen met oefenen, oefenen en nog eens oefenen.

Ik voelde me toen ik naar huis reed heel erg vredig en net alsof ik even geen onderdeel uitmaakte van de wereld om me heen. De dagen erna ben ik heel emotioneel geweest en moest ik steeds en overal om huilen. Alles wat er gebeurde leek wel extra hard bij mij binnen te komen.
Ik hoop dat dit betekend dat ik blokkades aan het opheffen ben, dingen aan het verwerken ben. Al met al vond ik het een hele bijzondere ervaring en hoop dat ik het nog eens mag mee maken.



Benieuwd als ik was ging ik de ademsessie in. De therapeut die de ademsessie begeleidde legde in het kort uit wat een ademsessie is en de achterliggende gedachte. Er werd me gevraagd met een bepaalde intentie te gaan ademen voor mezelf. Nadat ik besloten had om meer connectie met m`n hart te maken kon ik de ademsessie beginnen. De bedoeling van de ademsessie is om al liggend meer zuurstof in te ademen en meer gebruik te maken van de capaciteit van mijn ademhaling.

De begeleidend therapeut observeerde mijn ademhaling. En gaf mij aanwijzingen hoe ik beter kon ademen omdat ik maar zo`n 20 % van mijn ademcapaciteit benut. Aangezien mijn ademhaling geen vloeiende beweging had, was het zaak voor mij om mijn adem meer als een ritmische golf te laten vloeien. Tijdens de ademsessie was het de bedoeling dat ik mij uitte in de vorm die naar boven kwam. Door het uiten via mijn stem ontstond er een trilling die ik mijn lijf kon voelen. Tevens kwam er emotie naar boven wat dient als een stap in het helingproces.

Na een aantal keer dit proces van ademen en uiten herhaalt te hebben, werd de sessie afgesloten door het los gooien van de spieren, om erna nog in alle rust bij te komen van de sessie. De levensenergie tintelde letterlijk door mijn warm geworden lichaam. Voldaan en licht van leden kon ik terugkijken op een zeer geslaagde en prettige ademsessie die iemand zelf mag ervaren om meer vitaliteit, prettige warmte en helderheid te krijgen.


zondag 13 april 2008

I am really greatful and very happy with the counselling I have had with Claudia. Considering that the counselling centre specialises in counselling for women and addictions, our situation of infedelity and subsequent breakdown of our relationship, didn;t fit within this category however, Claudia was willing to take us on board.

Her decision to work with us has helped us on the road to recovery. Claudia came up with a treatment plan based on all the items we discussed and what it was I wanted to get out of the situation. I found this incredibly helpful in terms of structuring what key things I wanted to get out of counselling as well as having a solid strategy to work with. We worked through this treatement plan solidly and at all times Claudia was enourmously supportive, very insightful, knowledgable and honest and was crucial in assisting me through one of the worst periods of my life.

At all times I found Claudia very emphathetic, honest and professional and I felt very comfortable going through this process with her. I really valued being able to reach her by email when at times I found things very difficult, this helped me so much as Claudia would provide very sound advice which assisted me in getting through some really tough times.

I have learned some invaluable life skills by having my counselling sessions with Claudia. I feel more confident in being able to apply apply these skills thanks to Claudia.

I am so thankful for Claudia's help, guidance and support which I believe was crucial in the reparation of my relationship. When I first started the counselling sessions I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel and was a walking vessel of pain. Today I have more confidence than I did before and am better equipped with the skills to handle challenging situations in life.


woensdag 23 januari 2008

Me and Anorexia

The first sign of Anorexia appeared for me when I just turned fifteen, in October 2006. Time had passed and I had grown increasingly anxious and unhappy about all the changes occurring in my body due to adolescence. On the outside, I seemed to be totally fine according to my surroundings, but in front of the mirror the reflection appearing made me feel unhappy, no matter what other people would tell me; I felt fat. Since a very young age I had been very active doing sports and I had recently discovered a true passion for long distance running. Being physically active, I knew that there was no risk for me to have any weight problems, but still my complex grew increasingly more important and it was taking over my life. Too many changes were occurring at the same time, more and more, I started to question my appearance and how I would look after this metamorphosis. Being constantly surrounded by Medias telling us how we should look and how we shouldn’t, I felt scared not to be good enough and to be rejected. I decided that there was no other solution than to control those changes. Since the beginning I only had very good intentions, deciding to make sure that I ate very healthily. But I gradually got lost in confusion and I started to eat less and less. I became literally scared of food, scared that the moment it would enter my mouth it would make me blow like a balloon. Mealtime became an enemy for me, and controlling what I was going to eat became the only reason for me to get up in the morning. Every day I drew back into my world of isolation, in which I was all alone with a little voice telling me what I was allowed to eat or not. This little terrorist had taken power over me. I was getting more and more tired, sometimes I even felt dizzy and my performance in running was not improving either. This upset me a lot but I couldn’t eat, the terrorist said no.
I didn’t possibly understand why I felt so sad and absent-minded now that I had that control. I wasn’t being myself and although I tried, I couldn’t hide it. My mother slowly realized that my way of eating had changed and that it wasn’t at all suitable for the amount of sport I was doing. She tempted to warn me but I did not want to listen. I felt harassed and I was scared she would take away from me this control I was holding on so tight. Time passed and I had already lost three kilos, when I got a serious stomach flew which made me loose five additional kilos. At that time my mother seriously banged at my door and woke me up, in a rather harsh and straight forward manner. But miraculously that’s how she brought me back to reality and made me take my first step to recovery. I was scared to let go of the control the terrorist was offering me but somehow, I knew deep down, that I had to trust my mother. In addition, the new reflection in the mirror told me that this was not how I truly wanted to be. I was battling my way out of the grasps of my terrorist, admitting my disease and determined to get help.
After staying a few days in Hospital, to make sure that I was in good conditions, with the entire support of my school, my friends and my family, I started taking regularly part in supervised groups in wish I was able to share my situation with other people having similar problems. By this mean I was able to learn more myself about what was happening to me, and realized most importantly, that I wasn’t alone. I tried to stay as open as possible about my terrorist because I was aware that isolation was a true danger. I wasn’t yet stronger than him and he could easily make me fall down the stairs again. I knew that staying honest and talking about it would be a security against forgetfulness. Anorexia is in fact, a disease which puts you in constant denial and the best way to act against it, primarily, is to stay honest to yourself and others. This is what saved me from never setting free from the lie I lived in. With the help of a nutritionist, I learnt to overcome my fear of food and I slowly started to enjoy it again. She gave me enough information to get back to a healthy weight again, but still, the unrealistic fear of getting fat was still anchored deep down in me. I then met Claudia Krum who worked with me at a psychological level to help me overcome my fears. I gradually became more aware that the little voice commanding me was in fact Anorexia. I became stronger than the terrorist, and I finally was able to tell him off. I started to work on myself, trying to understand the roots of my disease.

Through Mrs. Krume’s process of working, involving the analysis of feelings of the individual, I finally learnt one essential thing. I realized that all the love of the world would not be enough to make me happy, until I would start accepting and loving myself first. People believing in me wouldn’t bring me faith until I would start to believe in myself. I realized that finally I was entirely alone, no one could make me decide to make me gain weight or change my state of mind apart from myself. I was the pill who could cure the illness. That was as far as my surroundings could lead me. I had to trust myself, have the courage to let go of my fears and make my steps, even if the road would be long and hard. Soon enough I decided that I had to use the same intense determination with which I had come down this sinister hole, to come back up again. I personally have to say that having clear goals helped me a lot. I want to lead a healthy life, and I want to take my passion for running further. In hard times, I remind myself those goals and they bring me hope and keep me going.
Now waking up in the mornings, I feel I am growing stronger, daring, little by little, to let go from all my fears. I acknowledge the fact that I haven’t yet reached the end of the path of my recovery. The biggest part of it is yet to come: accepting myself just as I am. This step is indisputably one that each human being has to take, in order to survive throughout the life he has been given. I can see a very positive prospect in the course of my experience with Anorexia; my personal issues becoming so dominant over my existence at a rather young age, I realized that life has already given me a chance to learn the skill of acceptance of oneself, a skill which most of the people only attain towards the middle of their lives. Similarly, life has given me the opportunity to aquire serenity, tolerance, confidence and trust in myself, a challenge that I am willing to take. It wants me now, to let my mind come to peace with my body, a body with which I am destined to live with until the very last day. As to this day, I learnt not to suppress it. On the contrary, I am aware that throughout my life, in difficult time involving stress, anxiousness and doubt, he will be there to hunt me again telling me I am not good enough whatever I do.

In those hard times, I manage to detect this terrorist, I analyze what he tells me but most importantly I do NOT listen to him. I give myself the choice of not giving it any importance and that is precisely what makes my strength. The healthy part of me has taken back the lead. I realized that Health, Happiness and my passion for running are much more important to me than the vicious quest of being the skinniest possible.
I am thankful for all the support I am given and I consider myself unbelievably lucky to be supported by such caring people. I want to thank my family, the school staff for their amazing support, and Claudia Krume for her help and guidance. But I am particularly grateful to my mother who since the first day was determined to help me defeat my little terrorist.